25 Aug 2022
Takapau Flavell | Te Whakatohea
"From nine to noon every weekday, Kathryn Ryan talks to the people driving the news - in New Zealand and around the world. Delve beneath the headlines to find out the real story, listen to Nine to Noon's expert commentators and reviewers and catch up with the latest lifestyle trends on this award-winning programme.
9:08 Student doctor concerns over informed patient consent 9:32 America's Cup boat builder gives Opotiki youth a leg up 9:50 Brazil has gone to the polls 10:07 Engineering enzymes & harnessing the power of evolution 10:38 Book review - Europe: A Natural History by Tim Flannery 11:07 Politics with Mills & Sherson 11:33 Wellington restaurant La Boca Loca has a new book of Mexican recipes for Kiwis 11:49 Auckland’s waterfront stadium proposal pros & cons
Takapau Flavell
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