25 Aug 2022
Takapau Flavell | Te Whakatohea
"There's been a setback in efforts to settle Māori land claims, with the collapse of the 40 million dollar treaty settlement that had been reached between the Crown and the Eastern Bay of Plenty's Whakatohea people. The settlement was reached in October 1996 between the Crown and tribal negotiators That settlement had to be ratified by tribal beneficiaries - but after 18 months, that still hasnt happened. LIVE IV with Treaty Negotiations Minister Doug Graham
LIVE IV with Our Māori Issues correspondnet Chris Wikaira
Aucklanders, angry over the city's power crisis, have staged a protest march in the city centre, demanding the resignation of the chief executive of Mercury Energy Wayne Gilbert. About 200 students, retailers, residents and workers marched up Queen Street in heavy rain waving placards and black balloons. PACKAGE FROM Sharon Brettkelly
The insurance industry is also been the target of mounting frustration over when businesses can expect to see some financial compensation. Last night on Checkpoint, Reg Newcombe, chairman of the retailer group, Power for the People had this to say. AUDIO CUT
LIVE IV WITH Catherine Beard from the Insurance Council.
There's been a setback in efforts to settle Māori land claims, with the collapse of the 40 million dollar treaty settlement that had been reached between the Crown and the Eastern Bay of Plenty's Whakatohea people. LIVE IV WITH the Māori MP for the area Tuariki Delamere, who was involved in [illegible] the original settlement.
Debate continues over the government's code of social and family responsibility - but if you are intending to respond, Checkpoint has discovered that the best way to get your views noticed is to classify yourself as a group. The Social Policy Agency says that's because there might be too many written answers from individuals. PACKAGE FROM Melita Tull
A short time ago John Angus from the Social Policy Agency said the issue had been reconsidered and all responses would be read.
In Indonesia, pressure is increasing on newly reappointed President Suharto to reform the political system and the economy. Student-led protests calling for greater democracy are intensifying, the Rupiah is still falling, and the International Monetary Fund continues to demand radical reforms. PACKAGE FROM
Jonathan Schwass
Friday the 13th has lived up to its reputation for Aucklander Grant Triplow - who was in bed this morning when a huge girder crashed through the roof of his inner-city apartment crushing the wall between two bedrooms. The five tonne piece of steel fell from a construction site on top of a seven storey building - Grant Triplow and his two of flatmates were inside at the time. IV WITH GRANT TRIPLOW
An endangered North Island species is about to vanish altogether - glass milk bottles will disappear from their last stronghold following the decision to stop making them. The last major North Island milk bottle plant closes next month - PACKAGE FROM Caitlin Cherry
Takapau Flavell
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