Tracking eDNA use as a biodiversity monitoring tool within the rohe of Te Roroa

Project Details

Date created

15 Nov 2023

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Added by

Taoho Patuawa | Te Roroa


Taoho Patuawa


  • Te Roroa | Community
  • ORCID iD icon Dave West | Researcher
  • ORCID iD icon Shaun Wilkinson | Researcher
  • ORCID iD icon Marley Ford | Researcher
  • Dave West, | Contributor
  • Milly Farquhar, | Contributor
  • Shaun Wilkinson, | Contributor
  • Amy Gault, | Contributor


The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) as a biodiversity monitoring tool is an established methodology to assist land and water managers with threatened species detection, biodiversity surveillance, environmental impact assessments, and ecosystem health evaluation.

eDNA refers to DNA which is shed from fish, invertebrates, plants, and terrestrial animals which remains in the environment and is able to be collected from water samples (from rivers, streams, lakes, or other water bodies) using a specific methodology, and analysed by the Wilderlab laboratory facility in Wellington. The results provide a robust and sensitive indication of the species present within the catchment of the water sample location that have contributed DNA. All relevant sampling protocols can be viewed at the Wilderlab website: All data recorded from the sample analysis is private by default.

This project is established to track the use of the eDNA technique and the associated data from sampling efforts within the rohe of Te Roroa. Te Roroa kaimahi work in collaborative projects with agencies such as the Department of Conservation and Northland Regional Council, who may employ the use of the eDNA tools to assist with monitoring activities and surveillance.


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Te Roroa

1 Labels applied

BC Provenance Label icon. Black tag shape with six perpendicular white lines of increasing width. On left side are three white dots.

BC Provenance (BC P)

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to affirm an inherent interest Te Roroa people have in the scientific collections and data (including Digital Sequence Information) about communities, peoples, and the biodiversity found within traditional lands, waters and territories. Te Roroa retains the right to be named and associated with it into the future. This association reflects a significant relationship and responsibility to biocultural materials from within the rohe of Te Roroa and associated scientific collections and data.

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