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Pueblo Kichwa de Sarayaku

Community | Pastaza, Ecuador

El pueblo kichwa de sarayaku es un pueblo indígena que vive en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana de la nacionalidad Kichwa.

Community Labels used

BC Open to Collaboration Label icon. Black tag shape with three white overlapping figures in center made up of hexagons on bottom and circles on top. On left side are three white dots.
Abierto a colaboración
BC Research Use Label icon. Black tag shape with four rectangles inside two concentric circles. On left side are three white dots.
Uso para investigación
BC Consent Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center. On left side are three white dots.
Consentimiento Verificado
BC Provenance Label icon. Black tag shape with six perpendicular white lines of increasing width. On left side are three white dots.
TK Non-Commercial Label icon. Black tag shape with a white dollar sign and a diagonal line through it in center.
TK Community Voice Label icon. Black tag shape with three different sized human figures in white and dialogue bubbles that overlap.
TK Outreach Label icon. Black tag shape with a white hand that has two dots stretching outward from each finger.
TK Open to Commercialization Label icon. Black tag shape with a white dollar sign in center.
TK Open to Commercialization (TK OC)
TK Secret / Sacred Label icon. Black tag shape with a large white cube in center.
TK Culturally Sensitive Label icon. Black tag shape with four hands in a circle surrounding a white cube.
Culturalmente sensible
TK Seasonal Label icon. Black background with simple illustrations of a tree with bare branches and another tree with a circle representing leaves.
TK Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center.
TK Attribution Label icon. Black tag shape with two stacked white arrows, one pointing left and one pointing right.

Public Projects

Title Creator Last updated Visibility
Sciences Across Cultures Initiative Pueblo Kichwa de Sarayaku 16 Sep 2024

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