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Penobscot Nation

Community | Location: Maine, United States of America

Indigenous Community from what is now Maine USA.

Community Labels used

TK Outreach Label icon. Black tag shape with a white hand that has two dots stretching outward from each finger.
TK Outreach (TK O) Nənisαpetámənena
TK Seasonal Label icon. Black background with simple illustrations of a tree with bare branches and another tree with a circle representing leaves.
TK Seasonal (TK S) Tepanaskawíhle
TK Men Restricted Label icon. Black tag shape with two white figures made up of two squares on bottom and two circles on top with a double-sided arrow connecting both figures.
TK Men Restricted (TK MR) Alnabe Restricted
TK Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center.
TK Verified (TK V) Nə̀kαmat
TK Multiple Communities Label icon. Black tag shape with four white over-under woven patchworks arranged in a 2x2 square.
TK Multiple Communities (TK MC) Multiple Wabanaki Communities
TK Community Voice Label icon. Black tag shape with three different sized human figures in white and dialogue bubbles that overlap.
TK Community Voice (TK CV) Nəsαpαtóhkewα
TK Non-Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark and diagonal line through it in center.
TK Non-Verified (TK NV)
TK Culturally Sensitive Label icon. Black tag shape with four hands in a circle surrounding a white cube.
TK Culturally Sensitive (TK CS) Nəkʷə̀ssihton
TK Attribution Label icon. Black tag shape with two stacked white arrows, one pointing left and one pointing right.
TK Attribution (TK A) Nətawə́lənəmən

Public Projects

Title Added by Last updated Visibility
Awasəwehlαwə́lətinα wikəwαmok – They Returned Home
Local Contexts 08 Nov 2023

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