Maire tawake genome

Date created

04 Mar 2024

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David Chagné | Plant & Food Research



Project details


We have constructed a highly contiguous, near complete reference genome for maire tawake (Syzygium maire), a critically threatened swamp forest tree species endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand. It is expected that this resource will be used to enhance conservation efforts by facilitating genomics studies aimed at understanding the distribution of genetic diversity, the evolutionary and adaptive genetic characters of the species, and potential mechanism to resist emerging pathogens and other agents of global change. This information will aid restoration efforts by informing seed sourcing and assisted migration of individuals to other subpopulations in nearby intact or restoring swamp forests.

The maire tawake genome is a collaboration between Rangitāne o Manawatu, the New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Ltd (Plant & Food Research) and the Victoria University of Wellington.


David Chagne


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BC Notice icon. Black background with the top right corner folded and the letters “BC” in white in center.

The BC (Biocultural) Notice is a visible notification that there are accompanying cultural rights and responsibilities that need further attention for any future sharing and use of this material or data. The BC Notice recognizes the rights of Indigenous peoples to permission the use of information, collections, data and digital sequence information (DSI) generated from the biodiversity or genetic resources associated with traditional lands, waters, and territories. The BC Notice may indicate that BC Labels are in development and their implementation is being negotiated.

Pānui Whakamārama BC


Ko tā te Pānui Whakamārama BC, he āta whakaatu, tērā ētahi tikanga ā-iwi me ōna haepapa ki runga i te whakamahinga, i te horapatanga hoki o tēnei taonga me ōna raraunga rānei. Whakamanahia ai ki tēnei Pānui Whakamārama BC, ko te mana tuku iho o ngā iwi taketake ki roto i ngā kohinga mātauranga pūtaiao, me ngā raraunga hangarau mō runga i ngā hapori, ngā tāngata, me te rerenga rauropi e noho pū ana i ngā whenua, i ngā wai me ngā rohe o ngā iwi taketake. Kei roto hoki pea i tēnei Pānui BC, ko te kōrero e mea ana, tērā ngā Tohu BC (Rerenga rauropi) e waihangatia ana, ā, kei te whiriwhirihia tonutia tōna whakatinanatanga. Mō ētahi atu kōrero mō ngā Pānui Whakamārama BC, pāwhiritia i konei.

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