29 Jun 2022
Aaron Wilton | Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Aaron Wilton
This Local Contexts project encompasses the biological specimens housed at Manaaki Whenua that have been collected from the rohe (territory) of Whakatōhea.
This project was created in agreement with representatives from Whakatōhea. It includes specimens from:
Allan Herbarium (CHR);
International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants (ICMP);
New Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC) - Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa;
New Zealand Fungarium (PDD) Te Kohinga Hekaheka o Aotearoa;
and Te Kohinga Harakeke o Aotearoa – National New Zealand Flax Collection;
The records from these collections are a dynamic resource with changes that result from (agreed) collecting of new material, digitisation of historic collections, and curation of specimens (particularly re-identification) and their associated data (especially the correction or addition of georeference coordinates).
The records associated with this project may be viewed on the Systematics Collection Data portal using the project link.
Manaaki Whenua welcomes interest in collaborating to establish other Local Contexts projects. Please see our institutional record for other examples.
Local Contexts Project ID
Project URL
Providers ID
This Label is being used to indicate that Te Whakatōhea is open to research collaborations and outreach activities. With this Label, future opportunities for collaboration and engagement are supported.
This Label is being used to indicate that Whakatohea is open to commercialisation opportunities that might derive from any information, biocultural materials and data including DSI to which this Label is connected. Whakatohea assert our right to participate in discussions and commercialisation of this taonga.
This Label is being used to affirm an inherent interest Whakatohea have in the biocultural material and/or data (including DSI) about the biodiversity found within traditional lands, waters and territories. Whakatohea retains the right to be named and associated with it in the future. This association reflects a significant relationship and responsibility for scientific collections and data for specific biophysical taonga
This Label is being used to verify that Te Whakatohea has permissioned the use of these biocultural materials and or data (including DSI) for research purposes. This Label does not give permission for commercialisation activities
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