
Date created

10 Aug 2022

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Takapau Flavell | Te Whakatohea



Project details


1870's built at Opekerau Waioeka


Courtney Papuni


No links added


  • Te Whakatohea | Community
  • Anita Kurei, anitakurei@gmail.com | Contributor
  • Takapau Flavell, takapau.flavell@whakatohea.co.nz | Contributor


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Project Labels

Te Whakatohea

4 Labels applied

TK Clan Label icon. Black tag shape with a circle made of small white dots in the center.

TK Clan (TK CL) | Hapū

Label Text | English

The Label is letting any users know that this material has specific conditions for sharing, and this responsibility sits with hapū members within Te Whakatohea who are the primary kaitiaki/ authority. Who these hapū members are, and how sharing occurs will be defined in each locale. This Label asks viewers of these materials to respect the Mātauranga-ā-hapū, cultural values and expectations about circulation and use defined by designated hapū members, and their internal relations.

Hapū | Māori

Ko ngā Kaitiaki tā tēnā hapū, tēnā hapū o Te Whakatōhea te mana tākoha. Mā te hapū e meatia i ā rātou nei Kaitiaki. Kia mana ana te kaitiro ki tā te mātauranga ā-hapū me ōna tohutohu.

TK Culturally Sensitive Label icon. Black tag shape with four hands in a circle surrounding a white cube.

TK Culturally Sensitive (TK CS) | Tikanga Tapu

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to indicate that this material has cultural and/or historical sensitivities. The Label asks for care to be taken when this material is accessed, used, and circulated, especially when materials are first returned or reunited with communities of origin. In some instances, this Label will indicate that there are specific permissions for use of this material required directly from Te Whakatohea itself.

Tikanga Taou | Māori

He tapu ngā taonga tuku iho nei. Me pono, me tika, me tiaki noa atu. Ka hoki tika mai te taonga nei ki tōna mana, ki tōna whānau, hapū, iwi, me whakapaingia. He mana tuku iho nō roto i Te Whakatōhea mō te taonga nei.


TK Non-Commercial Label icon. Black tag shape with a white dollar sign and a diagonal line through it in center.

TK Non-Commercial (TK NC) | Umanga Kore

Label Text | English

This material is not available for commercial use. You are allowed to use this material for non-commercial purposes including for research, study, or public presentation and/or online in blogs or non-commercial websites. This Label asks you to think and act with fairness and responsibility towards this material and Te Whakatohea.

Umanga Kore | Māori

Kāre mō te arumoni. Hēoi anō mō te rangahau, te akoako, te kauhau, te whakaaturanga, te wānanga. Otirā, kia tika, kia pono te takea mai i ngā whakaaro mō te manaaki me te ārai o te taonga nei me te iwi o Te Whakatōhea.

TK Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center.

TK Verified (TK V) | Kua Mana

Label Text | English

This label is used to identify that the particular taonga/ material is true and correct and authenticated by Te Whakatohea. This Label affirms that the representation and presentation of this material is in keeping with Te Whakatohea expectations and cultural protocols. It lets you know that for the individual, family or community represented in this material, use is considered fair, reasonable and respectful. As referenced by a historical record.

Kua mana | Māori

Kua whai mana te taonga tuku iho nei i ngā tikanga o Te Whakatōhea. He tika, he pono, he whai wāhi ana. Ara tōna mana kei hītōria

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