12 Jul 2022
Takapau Flavell | Te Whakatohea
Kai tito: Ngā Tipuna
Momo: Moteatea
Courtney Papuni
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This Label is being used to indicate that this taonga is not, and never was, free, public, or available for everyone at anytime. The Label indicates that there are protocols and permissions for use and has specific conditions for circulation within Te Whakatohea. This material should only be used by Te Whakatohea members or with the expressed permission of Te Taumata Kaumātua.
E tohu ana te tapanga nei ki te Mana Motuhake o te taonga nei, kua kore rawatia e tuku noa, ahakoa ko wai koe. He mana tōna, he tikanga tōna, kia whai tika i tōna tukuna atu i roto i Te Whakatōhea. Mā Te Whakatōhea anake! Kia whakaae Te Taumata Kaumātua.
This Label is being used to encourage the sharing of stories and voices about this material. The Label indicates that existing knowledge or descriptions are incomplete or partial. Any Te Whakatohea iwi member is invited and welcome to contribute to our community knowledge about this event, photograph, recording or heritage item. Sharing our voices helps us indigenise Te Whakatohea histories and knowledge. This sharing is an internal process.
He tapanga hei tohu ki te tākoha atu i te reo me ngā kōrero tuku iho. Hēoi anō, kei te ngaro ētahi kōrero. Nā reira, he karanga ki ngā uri o Te Whakatōhea ki te tuku mai i āu nei kōrero, pikitia, reo, taonga rānei ki te whakamana anō i tēnei taonga tuku iho.
This Label is being used to acknowledge the relationship between the creative practices of the artists or artist, Te Whakatohea and the associated cultural responsibilities. Te Whakatohea ask that as a user you apply the correct attribution in any future use of this work. Acknowledge all information sources to ensure the mana and integrity of the works, the artist and Te Whakatohea is upheld
Ko te pūtake o te tonu nei, e whakanui i te hononga o ngā ringa toi me a rātou mahi auaha, me Te Whakatōhea i raro i ngā tākoha ahureatanga.
This Label is being used to indicate that this material has cultural and/or historical sensitivities. The Label asks for care to be taken when this material is accessed, used, and circulated, especially when materials are first returned or reunited with communities of origin. In some instances, this Label will indicate that there are specific permissions for use of this material required directly from Te Whakatohea itself.
He tapu ngā taonga tuku iho nei. Me pono, me tika, me tiaki noa atu. Ka hoki tika mai te taonga nei ki tōna mana, ki tōna whānau, hapū, iwi, me whakapaingia. He mana tuku iho nō roto i Te Whakatōhea mō te taonga nei.
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