A Closer Look at Bowel Cancer in Aboriginal People

Date created

08 Aug 2024

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Kate Meehan | Researcher



Project details


The over-arching aim of this project is to explore the patient, disease, and treatment-related factors that contribute to reduced access and poorer outcomes from bowel cancer in patients who live in rural and remote Western Australia. This also includes identifying any systematic differences between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants (respectfully referred to as Aboriginal people here forth), and the interplay between remoteness and Aboriginal status.
We will test whether the higher death rate from bowel cancer in Aboriginal people is due to differences in the type of cancer or not enough of the right treatment. What we learn will be used across the state to plan better treatment for each Aboriginal person with the disease.


Katie Meehan


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  • ORCID iD icon Kate Meehan | Researcher
  • Andrew Redfern, Andrew.Redfern@health.wa.gov.au | Contributor
  • Maria Maynard, Maria.Maynard@health.wa.gov.au | Contributor


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The TK (Traditional Knowledge) Notice is a visible notification that there are accompanying cultural rights and responsibilities that need further attention for any future sharing and use of this material. The TK Notice may indicate that TK Labels are in development and their implementation is being negotiated.

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