Waiata: Te Tapu o Muriwai

Project Details

Date created

12 Jul 2022

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Takapau Flavell | Te Whakatohea




He pātere, he ngeri tēnei nā Te Whakatōhea. Nā Monita Delamere i hōmai enei kupu i te Tekau mā rua i †ū ai kī Opape i te marama o Oketopa i te tau 1990. Ka puta mai te pātere nei o roto i te whare tipuna o Muriwai.
Anei hoki ngā kupu o te pātere nei, ēngari kāore nei e whakahua ana i te wā o te tuku.

Koeaea e
Tapu te paru ttiko e

Nukutere te rangi Awaawakino
Nga tai nui nga tai roa
Ko pua patiki huki te pakake
Ka kii a Torere kia nōhia kia penei ake hoki
Rokahanga mai e tutae waiho e Ngatoroirangi
Te huki o te pake ka maka ki te wai ki Torere
Minohia atu ngā wai, wai o Mahau Hi ate mure tokaroa
Kei waho kei uta
Parinui tataha whatawhata kahawai
Paraharaha ika iti Ohinemotu
Aukati Pahau pou tū ana te ure
Tapu te awa Ohekōpara


Courtney Papuni


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  • Te Whakatohea | Community
  • Anita Kurei, anitakurei@gmail.com | Contributor


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Project Labels

Te Whakatohea

7 Labels applied

TK Community Use Only Label icon. Black tag shape with four criss-crossed white lines in center.

TK Community Use Only (TK CO) | Mā Te Hāpori Anake

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to indicate that this taonga is not, and never was, free, public, or available for everyone at anytime. The Label indicates that there are protocols and permissions for use and has specific conditions for circulation within Te Whakatohea. This material should only be used by Te Whakatohea members or with the expressed permission of Te Taumata Kaumātua.

Mā te Hāpori Anake | Māori

E tohu ana te tapanga nei ki te Mana Motuhake o te taonga nei, kua kore rawatia e tuku noa, ahakoa ko wai koe. He mana tōna, he tikanga tōna, kia whai tika i tōna tukuna atu i roto i Te Whakatōhea. Mā Te Whakatōhea anake! Kia whakaae Te Taumata Kaumātua.

TK Creative Label icon. Black tag shape with a white circle made up of eight small dots on one half, a solid line on the other half, and each half bifurcated with two bigger dots.

TK Creative (TK CR) | Auaha

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to acknowledge the relationship between the creative practices of the artists or artist, Te Whakatohea and the associated cultural responsibilities. Te Whakatohea ask that as a user you apply the correct attribution in any future use of this work. Acknowledge all information sources to ensure the mana and integrity of the works, the artist and Te Whakatohea is upheld

Auaha | Māori

Ko te pūtake o te tonu nei, e whakanui i te hononga o ngā ringa toi me a rātou mahi auaha, me Te Whakatōhea i raro i ngā tākoha ahureatanga.

TK Culturally Sensitive Label icon. Black tag shape with four hands in a circle surrounding a white cube.

TK Culturally Sensitive (TK CS) | Tikanga Tapu

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to indicate that this material has cultural and/or historical sensitivities. The Label asks for care to be taken when this material is accessed, used, and circulated, especially when materials are first returned or reunited with communities of origin. In some instances, this Label will indicate that there are specific permissions for use of this material required directly from Te Whakatohea itself.

Tikanga Taou | Māori

He tapu ngā taonga tuku iho nei. Me pono, me tika, me tiaki noa atu. Ka hoki tika mai te taonga nei ki tōna mana, ki tōna whānau, hapū, iwi, me whakapaingia. He mana tuku iho nō roto i Te Whakatōhea mō te taonga nei.


TK Multiple Communities Label icon. Black tag shape with four white over-under woven patchworks arranged in a 2x2 square.

TK Multiple Communities (TK MC) | Ngā Hāpori Huhua

Label Text | English

Responsibility and ownership over this material is spread across several distinct communities. Decisions about use may need to be decided collectively. As an external user of this material you are asked to recognise and respect Te Whakatohea protocols and those of other relevant communities/iwi.

Ngā Hāpori Huhua | Māori

He nui ngā rohe e tiaki, e mana ana ki te taonga tuku iho nei. Otirā, kei noho tahi ēnei rohe ki te whakawhiti kōrero me te whakaae ki ōna katoa. Nō iwi, rohe kē koe, whakamana ki tōna katoa.

TK Non-Commercial Label icon. Black tag shape with a white dollar sign and a diagonal line through it in center.

TK Non-Commercial (TK NC) | Umanga Kore

Label Text | English

This material is not available for commercial use. You are allowed to use this material for non-commercial purposes including for research, study, or public presentation and/or online in blogs or non-commercial websites. This Label asks you to think and act with fairness and responsibility towards this material and Te Whakatohea.

Umanga Kore | Māori

Kāre mō te arumoni. Hēoi anō mō te rangahau, te akoako, te kauhau, te whakaaturanga, te wānanga. Otirā, kia tika, kia pono te takea mai i ngā whakaaro mō te manaaki me te ārai o te taonga nei me te iwi o Te Whakatōhea.

TK Seasonal Label icon. Black background with simple illustrations of a tree with bare branches and another tree with a circle representing leaves.

TK Seasonal (TK S) | Te Wā Kaupeka/ Wāhanga

Label Text | English

his Label is being used to acknowledge our Taiao and its effect on us as Te Whakatohea people, and how we feel & interact with our natural surroundings. Specifically ways of being, ways of knowing and ways of doing in relation to our Te Whakatohea mātauranga whānau, hapū and iwi. This Label is used to indicate that this material traditionally and usually is heard and/or utilized at a particular time of year and in response to specific seasonal changes and conditions. This Label is being used to indicate sophisticated relationships between land and knowledge creation. It is also being used to highlight the relationships between recorded material and the specific contexts where it derives, especially the interconnected and embodied teachings that it conveys.

Te Wā Kaupeka/Wāhanga | Māori

He tohu i te hononga o Te Whakatōhea me tōna taiao. Kia tikina i te mātauranga o Te Whakatōhea, ara, ko te whānau, te hapū, te iwi. Ko ngā taonga tuku iho nei e puta mai i te wāhanga e tika ana mōna, hei te wā o te wera, hei te wā o te makariri, i te whitinga o tētahi whetū, nā he nui ngā wāhanga. He tohu i te tuituinga o te whenua ki te timatanga o te ao. Ka tohu anō hoki i te kaponga o te reo, o te tangata, o toi, o waiata me āna kōrero.

TK Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center.

TK Verified (TK V) | Kua Mana

Label Text | English

This label is used to identify that the particular taonga/ material is true and correct and authenticated by Te Whakatohea. This Label affirms that the representation and presentation of this material is in keeping with Te Whakatohea expectations and cultural protocols. It lets you know that for the individual, family or community represented in this material, use is considered fair, reasonable and respectful. As referenced by a historical record.

Kua mana | Māori

Kua whai mana te taonga tuku iho nei i ngā tikanga o Te Whakatōhea. He tika, he pono, he whai wāhi ana. Ara tōna mana kei hītōria

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