Open and Integrated: Redesigning Newfields’ Online Collections

Date created

12 Dec 2022

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Emma Carter | Newfields



Project details


The project will involve the redesign and expansion of the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields’ existing online art and historical collections into a single, integrated collections portal. In addition to the delivery of art collection data and assets, the integrated collections portal will serve as an access point to archival collection descriptions, item-level information, and digitized audio and visual materials from the Indianapolis Museum of Art historical and exhibition files, the Indianapolis Museum of Art archives, and Stout Reference Library artist files.

A goal of the project is to bring Newfields into alignment with Open Access leaders in the cultural heritage sector, such as the Cleveland Museum of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Rijksmuseum, that have made significant advancements in efforts to grant public access to images and information in recent years, specifically since 2015, when Newfields last launched its art and archives collections sites. To this end, the underlying architecture of the integrated collections portal will include a publicly accessible and documented application programming interface (API) and an International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) server for delivery of media assets. Additionally, the implementation of standardized rights statements (through and licenses (through Creative Commons) and the utilization of the Local Contexts Institution Notices and/or Traditional Knowledge Labels will provide clearer guidance for users of the integrated collections portal seeking to make informed decisions for reuse of content based on copyright status and cultural considerations.


Emma Carter



Local Contexts Project ID

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Project Notices

Attribution Incomplete

Attribution Incomplete Notice icon. Black square with the top right corner folded and a white square in center with left side in solid line and right side in dotted line.

Collections and items in our institution have incomplete, inaccurate, and/or missing attribution. We are using this notice to clearly identify this material so that it can be updated, or corrected by communities of origin. Our institution is committed to collaboration and partnerships to address this problem of incorrect or missing attribution.

Traditional Knowledge

TK Notice icon. Black background with the top right corner folded and the letters “TK” in white in center.

The TK (Traditional Knowledge) Notice is a visible notification that there are accompanying cultural rights and responsibilities that need further attention for any future sharing and use of this material. The TK Notice may indicate that TK Labels are in development and their implementation is being negotiated.

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