44618: TE MANA MAORI 10/05/77

Date created

25 Aug 2022

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Takapau Flavell | Te Whakatohea



Project details


Paora Temuera of chief and orator of Te Arawa recites a prayer to Tangaroa god of the sea.

George Habib (Ngāti Tu Wharetoa) a Māori scientist specialising in marine biology talks with Hamuera Mitchel about a Māori perspective on sea foods and the ecology.

Michael Walker of Whakatohea also a Māori scientist who completed his Masters degree on the study of Kina, and he speaks with Selwyn Muru about this delicacy.

WHAKATAUAKI : Ko te kaupapa waka ki te moana hoe ai,
Ko te kahui atua ki te rangi rere ai.

Whilst the fleet of canoes over the oceans are paddled the flocks of gods are above in the heavens flying.


Takapau Flavell


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  • Te Whakatohea | Community
  • Courtney Papuni, courtney@matakauri.maori.nz | Contributor


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Te Whakatohea

2 Labels applied

TK Multiple Communities Label icon. Black tag shape with four white over-under woven patchworks arranged in a 2x2 square.

TK Multiple Communities (TK MC) | Ngā Hāpori Huhua

Label Text | English

Responsibility and ownership over this material is spread across several distinct communities. Decisions about use may need to be decided collectively. As an external user of this material you are asked to recognise and respect Te Whakatohea protocols and those of other relevant communities/iwi.

Ngā Hāpori Huhua | Māori

He nui ngā rohe e tiaki, e mana ana ki te taonga tuku iho nei. Otirā, kei noho tahi ēnei rohe ki te whakawhiti kōrero me te whakaae ki ōna katoa. Nō iwi, rohe kē koe, whakamana ki tōna katoa.

TK Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center.

TK Verified (TK V) | Kua Mana

Label Text | English

This label is used to identify that the particular taonga/ material is true and correct and authenticated by Te Whakatohea. This Label affirms that the representation and presentation of this material is in keeping with Te Whakatohea expectations and cultural protocols. It lets you know that for the individual, family or community represented in this material, use is considered fair, reasonable and respectful. As referenced by a historical record.

Kua mana | Māori

Kua whai mana te taonga tuku iho nei i ngā tikanga o Te Whakatōhea. He tika, he pono, he whai wāhi ana. Ara tōna mana kei hītōria

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