25 Aug 2022
Takapau Flavell | Te Whakatohea
Checkpoint with John Campbell is RNZ’s weekday drive-time news programme, hosted by the award-winning broadcaster and journalist. Our multi-media show broadcasts on 101FM, streams live on our website, on Freeview Channel 50 and Face TV on Sky Channel 083 every weeknight at 5pm, where we tackle the stories of the day.
5:00 RNZ Checkpoint with John Campbell, Monday 28th June 2018 5:09 Gorge slip cuts short-cut between Gisborne and Opotiki 5:13 Royal NZ Ballet staying quiet on director’s departure 5:14 Conservation challenges to Far North avo and peat projects 5:21 'Progressively colder air' starting to push across NZ 5:25 NZ National anthem: 'My son could sing it better than that' - League boss Greg Peters 5:33 Evening business for Mon 25 June 5:36 Zero fees: Students say policy had 'huge impact' 5:40 Half of Yarrow Stadium to remain open 5:45 The two Kiwis helping save Vietnam's moon bears 5:55 Auckland train announcements to be made in te reo Māori 6:08 Slip closes key road between Gisborne and Bay of Plenty 6:15 NZTA re-evaluating planned Ōtaki-Levin highway 6:19 Acting PM unconcerned about multiple looming strikes 6:21 Siblings on trial allegedly linked to Northland boat meth bust 6:24 Outrage over possum abuse
Takapau Flavell
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