Sciences Across Cultures Initiative

Project Details

Date created

16 Sep 2024

Project type


Project visibility




Added by

Jane Anderson | Pueblo Kichwa de Sarayaku


Tulio Viterti


  • Fungi Foundation, | Contributor
  • SPUN, | Contributor
  • MOTH, | Contributor
  • Cosmos Sheldrake, | Contributor


The intent of the SACI is to support the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, whose ancestral territory is located in the current Ecuadorian Amazon, to recognize the rights of their territory and defend their lands from extractive industries–such as oil drilling and mining–and any other form of intervention without consultation and consent. With free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) provided through the cultural and political authority of the Council of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, the SACI will collect specimens, generate data, and record soundscapes and interviews to complete a comprehensive mycorrhizal and above-ground survey of fungal diversity and an audio archive to support the Kawsak Sacha Declaration.

The Kawsak Sacha Declaration:
Kawsak Sacha is a living being, with consciousness, constituted by all the beings of the Jungle, from the most infinitesimal to the greatest and supreme. It includes the beings of the animal, vegetable, [fungal] mineral, spiritual and cosmic worlds, in intercommunication with human beings, giving them what is necessary to reanimate their psychological, physical and spiritual facets, thus restoring the energy, life and equilibrium of the original peoples.

In the waterfalls, lagoons, marshes, mountains, rivers, trees and other places of the territory, the Protective Beings of Kawsak Sacha live and they develop a life of their own, similar to that of human beings. The Kawsak Sacha transmits the knowledge to the yachak (wise elders) so that they can interact in the world of the Protective Beings of the jungle, in order to maintain the balance of the Pachamama, heal people and society. This knowledge is methodically maintained and transmitted to new generations.

The natural balance of the universe, the harmony of life, the cultural perpetuity, the existence of living beings and the continuity of the Kawsak Sacha, depend on the permanence and transmission of the powers of the Selva Protector Beings. It is also up to these Beings and the yachak to maintain a relationship of respect and balance between human beings and beings of the jungle.

Kawsak Sacha is where Sarayaku kallari rukukuna (ancestors) lived, apayakuna and apamamakuna (grandparents), fathers, mothers, where Sarayaku live, where future generations will live and where the Protector Beings of the jungle and all the original peoples will remain.


Local Contexts Project ID

Project URL


Kichwa (Amazónico) Project boundary originates from the Native Land Digital database .

Project Labels

Pueblo Kichwa de Sarayaku

12 Labels applied

BC Open to Collaboration Label icon. Black tag shape with three white overlapping figures in center made up of hexagons on bottom and circles on top. On left side are three white dots.

Abierto a colaboración

Label Text | Spanish

El pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio están dispuestos a colaborar con actores externos en proyectos o actividades relacionadas a esta información. Sin embargo, cualquier tipo de colaboración y de uso de esta información se debe realizar bajo el consentimiento del Consejo de Gobierno del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio.

BC Open to Collaboration (BC CB) | English

The Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature, and territory are willing to collaborate with external actors in projects or activities related to this information. However, any type of collaboration and use of this information must be done with the consent of the Governing Council of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature, and territory.

BC Consent Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center. On left side are three white dots.

Consentimiento Verificado

Label Text | Spanish

Esta etiqueta está siendo utilizada para verificar que pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio cuentan con las condiciones apropiadas de consentimiento respecto al uso de esta información, colección, datos e información de secuencia digital. Dicha verificación puede ser encontrada como parte del proceso de investigación que realizó el pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio para la búsqueda y procesamiento de la información sobre los hongos que viven en el territorio Sarayaku.

BC Consent Verified (BC CV) | English

This Label is being used to verify that the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory have the appropriate conditions of consent regarding the use of this information, collection, data and digital sequence information. Such verification can be found as part of the research process carried out by the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature, and territory for the research related to the mushrooms and their mycorrhizal networks that live in the Sarayaku territory.

BC Provenance Label icon. Black tag shape with six perpendicular white lines of increasing width. On left side are three white dots.


Label Text | Spanish

El pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio tienen el derecho a ser nombrados y asociados en relación con los recursos y la información presentada en esta investigación. Dicha asociación refleja una manera de relacionarse y responsabilidades significativas hacia los hongos y hacia las colecciones y datos científicos asociados a ellas. Toda esta información proviene del conocimiento ancestral del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio y por lo tanto cualquier use debe reflejar y reconocer esta relación, respetado el derecho al consentimiento del pueblo y su territorio.

BC Provenance (BC P) | English

The Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory have the right to be named and associated with the resources and information presented in this research. Such an association reflects a way of relating and the responsibilities towards fungi, the collections, and scientific data associated with them. All this information comes from the ancestral knowledge of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory. Therefore any use should reflect and recognize this relationship, respecting the right to consent of the Sarayaku People and their territory.

BC Research Use Label icon. Black tag shape with four rectangles inside two concentric circles. On left side are three white dots.

Uso para investigación

Label Text | Spanish

Esta etiqueta está siendo utilizada por el pueblo indígena kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y su territorio para permitir el uso de esta información, datos e información de secuencia digital con fines de investigación no específicos. Esta etiqueta no provee permiso para actividades con fines comerciales. Y cada vez que alguien esté interesado en acceder a esta información deberá contactar al Consejo de Gobierno del pueblo Sarayaku y obtener el consentimiento del mismo pueblo.

BC Research Use (BC R) | English

This Label is being used by the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory to recognize that they allow the use of this information, data and digital sequence information for non-specific research purposes. However any specific use should be accepted, recognized, and validated by the Governing Council of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku. This Label does not provide permission for commercial activities. Anyone interested in accessing this information should contact the Governing Council of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku and obtain the consent of the Sarayaku People.

TK Attribution Label icon. Black tag shape with two stacked white arrows, one pointing left and one pointing right.


Label Text | Spanish

Esta etiqueta certifica que el pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio son los autores y propietarios del material circulante relacionado a la información recopilada en su territorio en la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Esta etiqueta les pide a usuarios externos considerar y atribuir correctamente la autoría de este material al pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku y su territorio, e incorporar los nombres del pueblo Sarayaku y su territorio ante cualquier uso de este trabajo en el futuro.

TK Attribution (TK A) | English

This Label certifies that the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature and territory are the authors and owners of the circulating material related to the information gathered in their territory in the Ecuadorian Amazon. This Label asks external users to consider and correctly attribute authorship of this material to the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku and their territory, and to incorporate the names of the Sarayaku People and their territory in any future use of this information.

TK Community Voice Label icon. Black tag shape with three different sized human figures in white and dialogue bubbles that overlap.


Label Text | Spanish

Esta etiqueta está siendo usada para certificar que las personas que hacen parte del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio hacen parte de las voces y la filosofía de vida del pueblo Sarayaku que están siendo incluidas en este material. Cualquier miembro de la comunidad y el territorio está invitado a contribuir con este conocimiento comunitario usando fotografías, grabaciones u objetos patrimoniales. La acción de compartir nuestras voces nos ayuda a recuperar nuestras historias y conocimiento ancestral. El acto de compartir es un proceso interno de la comunidad y todo lo que se comparte es de propiedad del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio.

TK Community Voice (TK CV) | English

This Label is being used to certify that the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature and territory are part of the voices and philosophy of life of the Sarayaku People and are being included in this material. Any member of the community and the territory is invited to contribute to this community knowledge using photographs, recordings or heritage objects. Sharing our voices helps us to recover our stories and ancestral knowledge. The act of sharing is an internal process of the community and every materials shared is owned by the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature, and territory.

TK Non-Commercial Label icon. Black tag shape with a white dollar sign and a diagonal line through it in center.


Label Text | Spanish

El material recopilado no está disponible para el uso comercial. Cualquier uso indebido de este material, viola los derechos del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio. Para hacer uso de esta información, las personas interesadas deben respetar y garantizar que se cumple con el derecho al consentimiento del pueblo Sarayaku y su territorio. Si algún actor externo tiene interés en esta información, debe entrar en contacto con el Consejo de Gobierno del pueblo Sarayaku.

TK Non-Commercial (TK NC) | English

The collected material is not available for commercial use. Any improper use of this material violates the rights of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory. To use this information, interested parties must respect and ensure that consent of the Sarayaku People and their territory is respected. If any external actor is interested in this information, they should contact the Governing Council of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku.

TK Culturally Sensitive Label icon. Black tag shape with four hands in a circle surrounding a white cube.

Culturalmente sensible

Label Text | Spanish

Esta etiqueta indica que de acuerdo con el conocimiento tradicional del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio, la relación con los hongos hace parte de los conocimientos ancestrales. Los hongos que son más sensibles y son más inusuales de ser vistos deben ser protegidos en el momento en el que se relacionan con ellos. El pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio determinan que todas las relaciones que se establezcan con los hongos y su territorio deben ser respetuosas con todos los seres que habitan la Selva Viviente.

TK Culturally Sensitive (TK CS) | English

This Label indicates that according to the traditional knowledge of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature, and territory, their relationships with mushrooms are part of the ancestral knowledge. Fungi that are more sensitive and are more unusual to be seen should be protected when getting in touch/relating with them. The Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory determine that all relationships that are established with the mushrooms and their territory must be respectful of all beings that inhabit the Living Forest.

TK Outreach Label icon. Black tag shape with a white hand that has two dots stretching outward from each finger.


Label Text | Spanish

Este material no está públicamente disponible y sólo puede ser usado para actividades educativas y de difusión con expresa autorización del Consejo de Gobierno del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio. El conocimiento ancestral que es incluido dentro de esta información no puede ser difundido por actores externos al pueblo Sarayaku y su territorio. Cada vez que se vaya a usar este material, el pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio determinarán las condiciones específicas de circulación y las medidas de justicia y protección del conocimiento tradicional.

TK Outreach (TK O) | English

This material is not publicly available and can only be used for educational and dissemination activities with the express authorization of the Governing Council of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature and territory. The ancestral knowledge that is included within this information cannot be disseminated by external actors to the Sarayaku People and their territory. Each time this material is being used, the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory will determine the specific conditions of circulation and the measures of justice and protection of their traditional knowledge.

TK Seasonal Label icon. Black background with simple illustrations of a tree with bare branches and another tree with a circle representing leaves.


Label Text | Spanish

Esta etiqueta indica que de acuerdo con el conocimiento tradicional del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio parte del material relacionado a los hongos sólo es visible durante la temporada de lluvias.

TK Seasonal (TK S) | English

This Label indicates that according to the traditional knowledge of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature and territory, part of the material related to mushrooms is only visible during the rainy seasons.

TK Secret / Sacred Label icon. Black tag shape with a large white cube in center.


Label Text | English

El material circulante contiene importantes componentes secretos o sagrados del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio. La información recopilada hace parte del conocimiento ancestral del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio y por lo tanto nunca estará a la venta. El pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio exigen que se respete la autonomía del territorio Sarayaku y la relación que tienen con los hongos. La difusión de esta información es restringida y cualquier uso debe ser aprobado bajo el consentimiento del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio.

TK Secret / Sacred (TK SS) | English

The circulating material contains important secret or sacred components of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory. The information collected is part of the ancestral knowledge of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature, and territory and therefore will never be for sale. The Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory demand that the autonomy of the Sarayaku territory and the relationship they have with the mushrooms should be respected. Dissemination of this information is restricted, and any use must be approved with the consent of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protectors, nature, and territory.

TK Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center.


Label Text | Spanish

Esta etiqueta indica que la manera en la que este material está siendo representado respeta las expectativas y protocolos culturales del pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio. Esta etiqueta comunica que el pueblo indígena Kichwa de Sarayaku, sus seres protectores, la naturaleza y el territorio son los creadores de este material y consideran que este está siendo representado de manera justa, razonable y respetuosa.

TK Verified (TK V) | English

This Label indicates that the ways in which this material is being represented respects the cultural expectations and protocols of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory. This Label communicates that the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku, their protective beings, nature, and territory are the creators of this material and consider that it is being represented in a fair, reasonable, and respectful manner.

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