The Local Contexts Hub Registry

This Registry shows all accounts that are registered on the Local Contexts Hub. Visit an account's public page to contact the account, request to join, and to view public Projects, Labels in use, and Notices in use.

After you register on the Hub, you can request to join accounts for communities and institutions that you are already affiliated with. If you wish to collaborate with a community or institution you are not affiliated with, you can connect with them through Projects. You do not need to join their account.


Ginessa Mahar

Researcher | Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States of America

Assistant University Librarian working with Indigenous Tribes in the Southeastern United States to improve ethical access to shared collections.


Giulia Gualandri

Researcher | Location: Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy

I'm currently a self employed conservators, though I'm applying for PhD position. Reserach interests: communication, wellbeing and health and mistakes in the context of conservation profession


Glenn Wells

Researcher | Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia





Teacher, practitioner, researcher of archives, digital curation, digital preservation, and rights issues and metadata.

GNS Science image

GNS Science

Institution | Members: 01 | Location: Lower Hutt, New Zealand

The name Te Pū Ao was gifted to GNS Science by kaumatua, Wiremu Tāwhai, of Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, in specific recognition of the core work GNS undertakes to better understand our world.


Grace Evans

Researcher | Location: Syracuse, New York, United States of America

Completing a Research Thesis on Indigenous Resistance to Colonial Capitalism through Female Leadership in Financial Inclusion

Graphic Encounters image

Graphic Encounters

Institution | Members: 02 | Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Colonial Prints and the Inscription of Aboriginality


Guillermo L. Mengoni Goñalons

Researcher | Location: Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Archaeology and History of the Originary Peoples of Patagonia from a collaborative perspective

Gulf of Maine Research Institute image

Gulf of Maine Research Institute

Institution | Members: 01 | Location: Portland, Maine, United States

Collaborative solutions to global ocean challenges

Gump South Pacific Research Station image

Gump South Pacific Research Station

Institution | Members: 02 | Location: Afareaitu, French Polynesia

Field Station and Marine Laboratory



Researcher | Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Ph.D student doing research in the field of ethnobotany


Gwen Saul

Researcher | Location: Albany, NY, United States of America

My background and interests are rooted in Indigenous histories, curation, contemporary Indigenous art, and supporting innovative research methods.


Hailey Boutin

Researcher | Location: Orono, Maine, United States of America

Research Assistant for the Aqueous Fellowship


Haley Steinhilber

Researcher | Location: Washington, D.C., United States of America

Archivist at the National Museum of African Art


Hallie Winter

Researcher | Location: Oklahoma City, OK, United States of America

Curatorial Researcher/Collections Manager/Registrar


Hamidreza Nassiri


Emancipatory Archiving: Cultural Heritage & Video Activism. Producing artwork, including moving images, based on archival materials.


Hayden Smith

Researcher | Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Gene and protein evolution in sea anemones


Heather Burke

Researcher | Location: Nanaimo, BC, Canada

No description provided.


Heather Hole

Researcher | Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America

Museum Studies Professor


Heidi Petersen

Researcher | Location: San Francisco, CA, United States of America

I'm a MLIS student at San Jose State University and a practicing librarian at a small private high school library, stewarding a collection that includes indigenous stories.

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