This Registry shows all accounts that are registered on the Local Contexts Hub. Visit an account's public page to contact the account, request to join, and to view public Projects, Labels in use, and Notices in use.
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Researcher | Location: Lincoln, Linconshire, United Kingdom
This project aims to evaluate and visualize potential exposure and vulnerabilities of national monuments to climate change to investigate nature-based adaptation strategies to address the impacts.
Institution | Members: 02 | Location: Verona, NY, United States
Oneida Nation Enterprises (ONE) is the corporate arm of the Oneida Nation in upstate New York. ONE's mission is to strengthen the Oneida Indian Nation and grow the Upstate-Central NY economy.
Institution | Members: 01 | Location: London, United Kingdom
The ODI works with organisations to build data infrastructure, knowledge, and strategies that create trust in data and data practices.
Institution | Members: 02 | Location: Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Pacific TV platform and production company
Community | Members: 01 | Location: OK, United States of America
The Otoe-Missouria Preservation Department oversees language and THPO related matters.
Community | Members: 02 | Location: Tasmania, Australia
Members of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community
Community | Members: 02 | Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Representatives from the Marsters family from Palmerston Island in the Cook Islands. This family is based in Porirua and Wellington.
Community | Members: 01 | Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Pasqua family, First Nation entity formation of the Prairie Keeping House to attain, obtain, communal and family artifacts, historical & family portraits, photograph, archival documents & gallery
Researcher | Location: Lilburn, GA, United States of America
Indigenous cultural studies
Researcher | Location: Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom
I'm a historical archaeologist with a specialization in Computer Science. I work in the application of Artificial Intelligence methods for Mexican colonial history.
Researcher | Location: New York, NY, United States of America
PhD student - Department of Anthropology, New York University
Institution | Members: 01 | Location: Brunswick, Maine, United States
Pejepscot History Center, the fourth oldest local history organization in the State of Maine, tells the community stories of Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell.
Researcher | Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Dr Penny Holliday is the project manager and non-Indigenous co-lead of an ARDC IDG Project Sandpit in the Sandstone. A collaboration between UQ and the UoM to Improve Indigenous Research Capabilities.
Community | Members: 05 | Location: Maine, United States of America
Indigenous Community from what is now Maine USA.
Researcher | Location: Los Angeles, CA, United States of America
Information studies, knowledge organization
Institution | Members: 06 | Location: Auckland, New Zealand
The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited is a N.Z. government-owned Crown Research Institute helping to deliver healthy foods from the world’s most sustainable systems.
Community | Members: 02 | Location: CA, United States of America
Tribes throughout Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties
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