The Local Contexts Hub Registry

This Registry shows all accounts that are registered on the Local Contexts Hub. Visit an account's public page to contact the account, request to join, and to view public Projects, Labels in use, and Notices in use.

After you register on the Hub, you can request to join accounts for communities and institutions that you are already affiliated with. If you wish to collaborate with a community or institution you are not affiliated with, you can connect with them through Projects. You do not need to join their account.


Sarah Berry

Researcher | Location: Logan, Utah, United States of America

Digital Archivist curating and organizing the NWBSN digital collection


Sarah French

Researcher | Location: London, United Kingdom

Research Assistant for Indigenous Knowledges, an AHRC-NEH funded project with the Wellcome Collection (London, UK), Diné College (Navajo Nation, USA) & the University of Arizona (USA).


Sarah Wells

Researcher | Location: Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

I am a molecular ecologist interested in how we can apply the study of genomics to the conservation of the native taonga of Aotearoa.

School for Advanced Research image

School for Advanced Research

Institution | Members: 02 | Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States

SAR is an institution advancing creative thought and innovative work in social sciences and humanities and fostering the preservation and revitalization of Native American cultural heritage.

Scion image


Institution | Members: 01 | Location: Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

New Zealand Forest Research Institute (Trading as Scion)


Serena Laro

Researcher | Location: Bangor, Maine, United States of America

freshwater ecologist


Shanna Lorenz

Researcher | Location: Los Angeles, California, United States of America

In am assisting the Anishnabe Moose Research Committee to conduct Indigenous -led research on moose populations in and around La Vérendrye Wildlife Park. Thanks!


Shara Sookhoo

Researcher | Location: Berkeley, CA, United States of America

Graduate Student in the Correa Lab


Sharon Farnel

Researcher | Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada

I’m interested in community driven knowledge organization and resource description, and in the development and application of appropriate and respectful knowledge organization standards and tools.


Shaun Wilkinson

Researcher | Location: Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand

I develop environmental DNA tools and provide a commercial laboratory service for eDNA monitoring and surveillance.


Shawna Sadler

Researcher | Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Enabling the use of persistent identifiers in research and cultural systems.


Sheba Brown

Researcher | Location: Portland, ME, United States of America

Community Science Program Manager and Administrator of the Ecosystem Investigation Network, a community/citizen science data collection platform.


Sheeanda McKeagg

Researcher | Location: Manawatu-Whanganui, New Zealand

An indigenous librarian researcher and finder of hidden gems


Sheri Johnson

Researcher | Location: Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology


Shonagh Marie Slevin

Researcher | Location: Oldham, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Amateur Researcher

Simon Fraser University image

Simon Fraser University

Institution | Members: 01 | Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Simon Fraser University is a public research university in British Columbia, Canada, with three campuses, all in Greater Vancouver: Burnaby, Surrey, and Vancouver.


Sky Bristol

Researcher | Location: Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

Professionally, I'm a data scientist now but originally an environmental contaminants biologist. Now I do work in the geoinformatics space, researching and developing knowledge graphs.


Sloane Madden

Researcher | Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

I am a student who does research on the digitization of cultural materials

Society for Indigenous Languages Communities and Culture of Sierra Leone image

Society for Indigenous Languages Communities and Culture of Sierra Leone

Community | Members: 01 | Location: Freetown, Northern province, Sierra Leone

SILCC as nongovernmental organization founded in 2020 and dedicated to preserving, promoting the languages, histories, cultures, indigenous knowledge/skills and the environments of indigenous people.


Sofia Ferreira

Researcher | Location: Hilo, HI, United States of America

Master of Science student researching coral reefs

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