The Local Contexts Registry

This is the registry for accounts that are registered with the Local Contexts Hub. Visit an account's public page to contact or request to join, and to view public projects, Open to Collaborate Notices, and Labels in use.

After you register on the Hub, you can request to join accounts for communities and institutions that you are already affiliated with. If you wish to collaborate with a community or institution you are not affiliated with, you will connect with them through Projects. You do not need to join their account.

Puna ʻOhana image

Puna ʻOhana

Community | Members: 01 | Location: Hawaii, United States of America

We are native Hawaiian families of the lower Puna region on Hawaii Island. Pohaku Pelemaka is a nonprofit working to perpetuate Hawaiian cultural practices and stewardship within wahi pana.

Radio Ngāti Porou image

Radio Ngāti Porou

Community | Members: 02 | Location: Ruatoria, New Zealand

No description provided.

Rakahanga-Manihiki Porirua Association image

Rakahanga-Manihiki Porirua Association

Community | Members: 02 | Location: Wellington, New Zealand

We are a group of representatives from Rakahanga-Manihiki Porirua Association

Rangitāne o Manawatū image

Rangitāne o Manawatū

Community | Members: 02 | Location: Manawatū, New Zealand

Iwi Māori - Māori Tribe

Rarotonga Enua Wellington association image

Rarotonga Enua Wellington association

Community | Members: 02 | Location: Wellington, New Zealand

We are representatives from Rarotonga in the Cook Islands now residing in Wellington New Zealand

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