10 Jan 2023
Murray Hemi | Researcher
Murray Hemi
Te Kawau Mārō model
The Biological Emissions Reduction Science and Mātauranga Plan is a R&D plan that addresses the urgent need to reduce agriculture emissions and reach those targets. It provides a long-term pathway to reducing emissions and support sustainable, productive, thriving and resilient food and fibre systems that draw on strong science and mātauranga R&D.
The Plan identifies actions to support both science and mātauranga Māori based approaches to innovation and reducing emissions.
Te Kawau Mārō framework creates a space where science and mātauranga Māori can work both separately and together to provide farmers and landowners with practical solutions that meet their relevant needs. It recognises the importance of Māori-led innovation and ‘whole-of-whenua’ approaches. It creates a new specific pathway through which mātauranga Māori and science can help identify low emissions options, practices, and pathways for future land development.
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