02 Dec 2024
Hayden Smith | Researcher
Hayden Smith
Transcriptomic data of Actiniaria species (sea anemones) for the purpose of exploring fundamental evolutionary, ecological and physiological questions.
The Disclosure Notices (Attribution Incomplete and Biocultural Notice) are attached to these specimens and these data to acknowledge that they have incomplete or missing attribution, and in recognition of the rights of Indigenous communities to define the use of these specimens and data associated with them. At the time of collection (2017), permissions were sought from relevant government authorities, but prior and informed consent was not gained from relevant Indigenous communities. We invite relevant Indigenous communities to connect with these data.
Collections were made in Great Barrier Reef (coastal Cairns) and at Point Arkwright (Queensland) for Australian species, and at Hatfields Beach (Auckland) for New Zealand species.
Total RNA used to generate transcriptomes from whole tissue.
Local Contexts Project ID
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Providers ID
NCBI accession: PRJNA507679
Collections and items in our institution have incomplete, inaccurate, and/or missing attribution. We are using this notice to clearly identify this material so that it can be updated, or corrected by communities of origin. Our institution is committed to collaboration and partnerships to address this problem of incorrect or missing attribution.
The BC (Biocultural) Notice is a visible notification that there are accompanying cultural rights and responsibilities that need further attention for any future sharing and use of this material or data. The BC Notice recognizes the rights of Indigenous Peoples to permission the use of information, collections, data and digital sequence information (DSI) generated from the biodiversity or genetic resources associated with traditional lands, waters, and territories. The BC Notice may indicate that BC Labels are in development and their implementation is being negotiated.
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