Whakatohea Moana Plan

Date created

29 Aug 2023

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Maui Hudson | Te Whakatohea



Project details


Maruhia Atu i te Moana o Te Whakatohea is the Whakatohea Moana Plan. The purpose of this plan is to support to tiaki (care) for the moana for our mokopuna. This document provides information on Whakatōhea and the Whakatōhea moana, which gives the scope for the plan. Next Whakatōhea’s kaitiakitanga perspective is presented, followed by our current and future kaitiaki relationship structures, and a kaitiaki moana action plan.


Danny Paruru


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Project Labels

Te Whakatohea

5 Labels applied

TK Attribution Label icon. Black tag shape with two stacked white arrows, one pointing left and one pointing right.

TK Attribution (TK A) | Whakapuaki

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to correct historical mistakes or exclusions pertaining to this material. This is especially in relation to the names of the people involved in performing or making this work and/or correctly naming the community from which it originally derives. As a user you are being asked to also apply the correct attribution in any future use of this work. Acknowledge all information sources to ensure the mana and integrity of the information and the indigenous community of Whakatohea is upheld

Whakapuaki | Māori

He tapanga e tohu ana ki te whakatika o te taonga tuku iho nei. He whakatika i te Kaitito, i te Mana Whenua, i te Rohe. Kia whai tikanga, ki te mōhio koe ki te kōrero tika, pono rānei me tono. Me whakamana, me whakanui, me whakapai i te mōhiotanga me te rohe taketake o Te Whakatōhea.

TK Community Use Only Label icon. Black tag shape with four criss-crossed white lines in center.

TK Community Use Only (TK CO) | Mā Te Hāpori Anake

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to indicate that this taonga is not, and never was, free, public, or available for everyone at anytime. The Label indicates that there are protocols and permissions for use and has specific conditions for circulation within Te Whakatohea. This material should only be used by Te Whakatohea members or with the expressed permission of Te Taumata Kaumātua.

Mā te Hāpori Anake | Māori

E tohu ana te tapanga nei ki te Mana Motuhake o te taonga nei, kua kore rawatia e tuku noa, ahakoa ko wai koe. He mana tōna, he tikanga tōna, kia whai tika i tōna tukuna atu i roto i Te Whakatōhea. Mā Te Whakatōhea anake! Kia whakaae Te Taumata Kaumātua.

TK Open to Collaboration Label icon. Black tag shape with three white overlapping figures in center made up of hexagons on bottom and circles on top.

TK Open to Collaboration (TK CB) | Mahi Ngātahi

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to make clear Te Whakatohea is open to future engagement, collaboration, and partnership around research opportunities.

Mahi Ngatahi | Māori

Ko te pūtake o te tohu nei, hei whakamōhio atu ki te marea, e kaingākaunui a Te Whakatōhea ki te nohotahi, mahitahi, hoe tahi i ngā mahi rangahau.


TK Outreach Label icon. Black tag shape with a white hand that has two dots stretching outward from each finger.

TK Outreach (TK O) | Toro

Label Text | English

This Label is being used to indicate that this material is traditionally and usually not publicly available. This Label lets any users know that this material can be used for educational outreach activities. Te Whakatohea asks you to respect the circulation of this material and to develop protocols for fair, equitable, reciprocal exchange for the use of this material with the relevant kaitiaki.

Toro | Māori

Ko te pūtake o te tohu, kia puritia i te mana o te taonga nei i raro i te maru o te Mātauranga. E ahei ana te toro atu, te tuku i ngā kōrero, ngā māramatanga, hēoi anō, i runga i te tika me te pono. Manaaki i te rerenga o ngā kōrero, me te tono ki te Kaitiaki mō āna whakamārama.

TK Verified Label icon. Black tag shape with a white checkmark in center.

TK Verified (TK V) | Kua Mana

Label Text | English

This label is used to identify that the particular taonga/ material is true and correct and authenticated by Te Whakatohea. This Label affirms that the representation and presentation of this material is in keeping with Te Whakatohea expectations and cultural protocols. It lets you know that for the individual, family or community represented in this material, use is considered fair, reasonable and respectful. As referenced by a historical record.

Kua mana | Māori

Kua whai mana te taonga tuku iho nei i ngā tikanga o Te Whakatōhea. He tika, he pono, he whai wāhi ana. Ara tōna mana kei hītōria

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